Retro-Bit Generations – Another Retro TV Console

Hot on the heels of the announcement of Autumn releases for the Nintendo Mini NES and the new Mini Mega Drive (that looks a lot like the one you can already get from Amazon here) comes a new TV console to vi for the Christmas market, the Retro-Bit Generations.

The Retro-Bit Generations Console.
All the fun of the arcade in your living room.

Like the the Mini NES (but sadly not the Mini Sega), it has HDMI out and like the Mini Sega (but sadly not the Mini NES) it comes with two controllers.

It’s best of the bunch in terms of games too coming pre-loaded with 100 arcade classics including:

Ghosts’N Goblins™, Gun.Smoke™, Kid Niki Radical Ninja, Kung-Fu, Captain Commando™, Kickle Cubicle, Rival Turf, Super R-Type, The Super Bases Loaded Series, Knights of the Round, Brawl Brothers, Ring King and more!.

It also has an SD card slot for expansion and will cost around $60.

Sounds very interesting.

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